Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September update

I'm clearing the cobwebs off my blog again. Speaking of cobwebs, the brown widows are going crazy making webs out on my patio. I keep hoping the weather will cool faster and kill them off because, while it's exciting knowing that at any time I may get bitten and have hours of agony, I'm not too keen on the whole process of flipping out and doing a spastic jig every time I get stuck to spider silk.

Still single. Still a resident. Two current sources of frustration. Not a whole lot to elaborate on in this setting, but prayers on both fronts would be appreciated. In any case, life keeps moving on and I keep looking for ways to grow closer to God and grow as a person through all the frustrations. Learning yet again that life is a process of continual growth, not of "arriving" once and for all.

I just ate a Reuben at Subway (thanks for the gift card, Mom). It was quite tasty; I would recommend it.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

May update

For my morning Bible study, I've been in Romans lately. Describing the actions of people who have turned from God, the apostle Paul says the following: "For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen." (Romans 1:25) It stuck out that while in the midst of denouncing all the terrible things these people are doing, Paul doesn't just skim over the concept of God receiving praise, but pauses to give his endorsement to God being blessed (held in reverence, honored in worship) by saying amen after that thought. After taking that time out, he continues on with describing the situation of these wicked people. While standing firm against all the anti-God sentiments an movements in our society, I pray that I don't lose sight of God being praised. We aren't fighting to win arguments. We are ultimately fighting to bring praise to God, which along the way includes winning people over for him.

In other news, I'm moving along in residency. I will be finishing up at my Family Medicine program in two years and two months (not that I'm counting) and then hopefully going on to a Hospice and Palliative care fellowship afterward, which focuses on care for patients with terminal conditions and the families of said patients. I never thought I would be interested in end-of-life care, thinking it would be too depressing, but I've lately had rewarding experiences in that area, and I think it would be a fulfilling specialty for me. It's interesting that I had several patients die in the months preceding my own grandfather's recent death, and I was able to give my mom insight along the way as she faced his declining health.

From a personal standpoint, I have actively started looking for someone to marry (no, that's not an invitation to set me up with every single woman you know, thanks for offering). I don't know if it was my recent attainment of a third decade or what, but it feels like it's about time. As part of this process, my focus has been drawn to personal issues I need to address so they don't hinder such a relationship, so I'm working to iron those out.

No promises, but hopefully I'll get back to blogging more regularly.
