Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September update

I'm clearing the cobwebs off my blog again. Speaking of cobwebs, the brown widows are going crazy making webs out on my patio. I keep hoping the weather will cool faster and kill them off because, while it's exciting knowing that at any time I may get bitten and have hours of agony, I'm not too keen on the whole process of flipping out and doing a spastic jig every time I get stuck to spider silk.

Still single. Still a resident. Two current sources of frustration. Not a whole lot to elaborate on in this setting, but prayers on both fronts would be appreciated. In any case, life keeps moving on and I keep looking for ways to grow closer to God and grow as a person through all the frustrations. Learning yet again that life is a process of continual growth, not of "arriving" once and for all.

I just ate a Reuben at Subway (thanks for the gift card, Mom). It was quite tasty; I would recommend it.